Sign Language technology

Deaf and hearing

SignAll is the only developer which successfully employs AI-driven technology for translating sign language into spoken language.

We translate sign language. Automatically. With the help of specialized cameras, the ASL signs are recognized and translated into written English, then displayed to the hearing user on a screen.

We translate sign language. Automatically. With the help of specialized cameras, the ASL signs are recognized and translated into written English, then displayed to the hearing user on a screen.

We translate sign language. Automatically. With the help of specialized cameras, the ASL signs are recognized and translated into written English, then displayed to the hearing user on a screen.

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The space and location used by the signer are part of the non-manual markers of sign language.

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The shape, orientation, movement, and location of the hands are some of of sign language.

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Other non-manual markers include the eyes, mouth, brows, or head movements .

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Our Vision

Access hundreds of ASL videos

SignLanguage can assist your organization in becoming more accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. With SignLanguage, you are not just promoting sign language learning, but a larger commitment to ASL through technology for your employees, customers and community..

Leading-edge technology

Use SignLanguage Online, an ASL app for web, for complete flexibility to practice sign language on your phone, tablet, or computer.

“SignLanguage not only benefits the Deaf, but the hearing individuals they interact with on a daily basis. Improved communication benefits everyone involved - friends, family, work colleagues, businesses, and more.”

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