Building a bridge of communication between the Deaf and hearing

SL is a group of passionate developers and designers dedicated to finding game-changing solutions that enable spontaneous communication between the Deaf and hearing.

Our core values

These are the values that guide our business, our product development, and our brand. As our company continues to evolve and grow, these three values remain constant.


We strive to be the best in class, both as researchers and developers, integrating innovative technological solutions and focusing on excellence. We work proactively to find solutions to problems within our market and also day-to-day within the office.

Proactive & Positive

Enabling communication is at the very core of what we do. In a working environment with multiple languages and Deaf and hearing colleagues, we are patient with each other as we seek understanding and clarification. A positive attitude toward ourselves and each other contributes to the excellence for which we strive.


We are proud to create real value that results in increased human connection and improved lives. We have a deep respect for Deaf culture, and integrate it into our workplace, development and decision making. We strive to make our office a Deaf-friendly environment.

“SignLanguage not only benefits the Deaf, but the hearing individuals they interact with on a daily basis. Improved communication benefits everyone involved - friends, family, work colleagues, businesses, and more.”

Our Story

SignLangyage is a spin off of Dolphio, a leading software development company in Budapest, Hungary; founded by Zsolt Robotka and Janos Rovnyai.

Translating sign language has long been seen as the ultimate computer vision challenge, and when the first Deaf employee was added (Hungarian / Persian software engineer), the team was further inspired to create a solution for automated sign language translation.

What started as a technical challenge and passion project had evolved into a formal company. In combination with evolving technology and the innovation of a few passionate mathematicians and engineers, SignAll was able to produce a proof of concept that would mark the starting line in a series of successes.

Leadership Team

Our leaders work tirelessly to bridge the gap between the hearing and the Deaf/HoH. They are driven by their passions for a better society and guided by their expertise in their own individual fields.

Lucky Prajapati
Achal Butke
Pallavi Maske
Sonali Patil